Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts 2018

Inger Taylor

Posted on April 18 2018

Every year, Mike and I look forward to visiting the Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts.  It’s a chance to spend the day together in a town we love, Pasadena, and tour the interior and gardens of a grand home from yesteryear as reimagined by select group of interior designers.  Walking into each room in the house is like unwrapping a present.  A surprise that widens the eyes and inspires the soul.  As we stroll though, our eyes busily scan over every detail in every room.  The most challenging part?  Not rushing through too fast and taking enough time to appreciate all the intricate details. 

Each designer brings their best to their dedicated space in the house.  Last year, even the Bee’s Bliss Gardener’s Retreat, demanded pause for appreciation.  A special treat, talking with some of the designers that happen to be hanging out in the space they designed.  Gaining an understanding of their inspiration for the space or the unique challenges they encounter along the way makes for an interesting conversation.  My favorite room last year was the living room by Robert Frank Design.  Our four girls could rush that beautiful, serene space and completely obliterate the sound of silence.

Once through the house and grounds, we usually do a little shopping and have some lunch before leaving the property.  A bonus to this great day, the Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts is a non-profit organization that helps fund various musical arts programs in the Los Angeles area so the purchase of our tickets and a portion of the proceeds of our shopping and lunch go to a worthy cause. 

If you have the chance, check it out and make a day of it.  I’m sure you’ll love it!



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